The success story of the Lunge company started with a specialist shop for sports shoes in Hamburg. In the meantime the company has six run shops in Hamburg and Berlin. Since 2008 they have been producing running shoes in their own manufactory, whereby the founders’ own running and marathon experience has greatly influenced the development of particularly goods shoes.
Great importance is placed on the selection of the materials and optimum workmanship in order to ensure they always deliver the high quality expected by their customers. On principle the materials used are all free of pollutants and have often been used successfully on the market for decades.
Ulf Lunge, Managing Director at Lunge Laufschuhmanufaktur:
'Flexible shoe parts that need no die-cutting and that can be flawlessly reproduced from different materials make our eurolaser system the very centrepiece of the Lunge production'
Due to changes in the requirements for the production process, Lunge sought advice from the eurolaser customer relationship manager in summer 2012. This led to processes being further optimised and the efficiency of the laser system being further increased. You can get more information on this practice report here.
Many years of experience in the market and sophisticated, state-of-the-art technical equipment ensure that the Lunge Laufschuhmanufakur is well positioned for achieving its aims for the future. So there is nothing standing in the way of the planned expansion of the range. Even the purchase of another eurolaser system is in the pipeline.
Anything else is just makeshift – Lunge manufactory!
Lunge Lauf- und Sportschuhe GmbH
Düssin / Germany