Further eurolaser systems for engraving and marking of metal
What advantages have laser engraving and marking of metal?
- Contactless marking – thus, no fixation of the material necessary
- High precision – Gravures with a resolution of up to 1200 dpi
- No tool wear and tool change
- High level of repeatability with consistent gravure quality
- Engraving with very fine details possible
What added value have eurolaser systems when engraving and marking of metal?
- Unique wide range of table sizes
- Numerous automation functions for optimal utilisation of the engraver
- Special table construction for optimal engraving
- Excellent exhausting directly above the gravure
- Large format engravings over the entire processing area
Information about laser engraving and marking of metal through colour-oxidation process:
Laser engraving offers you the possibility to achieve very precise and in particular permanent markings. As to metal gravures with CO2 laser systems of eurolaser, there will initially apply a special substrate at the surface which you receive in specialist retailers. Some of the special substrates that are applied before engraving are offered in different colours. The extremely accurate and intensive laser energy triggers a thermal reaction in a fraction of a millisecond. Silicon oxides bond colour pigments with the metal surface permanently by means of oxidation. The process is similar to that of enamelling – the difference is that the laser-assisted marking process is significantly faster.
Processing steps for the colour-oxidation process:
- Clean and degrease the surfaces to be inscribed
- Apply the substrate evenly (spray bottle)
- Dry for a few minutes
- Process with CO2 laser
- Simply remove any remaining substrate with water
This method is utilisable for a variety of metals, such as stainless steel, chrome steel, brass, copper, silver, aluminium, gold and silver. Also glass, ceramics or porcelain can be engraved, or rather marked in this way.
We will gladly advise you about laser engraving and marking of metal, to our laser systems and special options for gravures.