Future Day 2022 for girls and boys

The nationwide career orientation day for girls and boys took place on 28 April 2022. As every year, we also participated in this Girls' and Boys' Day and gave 12 interested kids from Lüneburg and the surrounding area an interesting insight into our daily work.

In addition to cool applications such as laser cutting and engraving in our Application Center, they were also allowed to lend a hand in the production of assemblies. For example they learned how to use a soldering iron when assembling cable harnesses. Afterwards, our future employees were given a short tour of the materials warehouse and took the opportunity to take a small inventory. After lunch pizza, they were then allowed to report on their experiences in the marketing department and create the current social media post.

For the children and young people, it was an unforgettable day with many interesting insights into a modern mechanical engineering company. And for us, hopefully, one or the other application for an apprenticeship will come up in a few years.

Many thanks to our young colleagues Gereon, Kilian, Mohamed, Raphael, Jannik-Fynn, Lucas, Jacob, Hanna, Leo, Phil, Anne and Jan Ludwik for this nice working day with you!

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